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leaf beetle (Phyllocharis sp.1)


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Welcome to the whole of leaf beetles, These are my favourite beetles due to the bright colours and amazing range of patterns. Different species can live together and are peaceful and can he handled with care. This small beetle is around 1cm and lives in large communities and they rapidly breed so getting large colonies is very easy with this species. They feed on fresh eucalyptus leaves with the stems placed in a container of water with little holes for the stems (just like stick insect care).

They live for around 85 days in which time they females lay many eggs in piles on the leaves. Remember to look for eggs on leaves when replacing old leaves, if you find eggs simply sit the leaf with eggs on a new leaf and they will crawl to the new leaf. Always break off the old leaf with grubs and place on new leaves and they will crawl over themselves. After a while they will pupate in the substrate at the bottom of the enclosure and then become a beetle. Beetles are sold unsexed so it is a luck game to get a female. we recommend buying a couple of the same species to increase your chances of a female to get eggs. once you get a community going you will have heaps of amazing leaf beetles. They go great in stick/Katydid insect enclosures and have the exact same care just make sure there is some sort of substrate at the bottom of the enclosure, like dried grass as they often fall on their back and DIE!!


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